
Showing posts from February, 2024

America on the Brink of Anarchy

  [Editor’s note: The following contains text excerpts from “A  Torchlight for America ,” 1993.] Without an advocate for the poor , without a new state of mind in America, the country lies on the brink of anarchy. Anarchy is the complete absence of government. It’s a condition of political disorder, violence and lawlessness in the society. We saw signs of it in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict. Anarchy may await America, due to the daily injustices suffered by the people. There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth. The Nation of Islam can be of assistance. We desire to reason with the political and economic leadership, with the hope of formulating a cooperative effort for the benefit of us all. We want a new relationship in which we can work together for the good of the whole. However, the desire of the wicked is to harm me and to destroy the idea that I carry, so

Confusion, Confusion of People

  Now the rise of America’s once slave into the knowledge of self, in the spirit of Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (the son of Man), the Author of the Resurrection of us the mentally dead is causing untold confusion among the heads of state. The scripture is being fulfilled wherein it prophesies that in these days (meaning the end of the wicked world of Satan), rulers are against rulers—kings against kings. In the days of the prophets, there were no heads of government who were given the name president. Rulers were referred to as rulers and as kings of the people. The prediction of the prophets, who wrote our future before we lived is now coming to pass. The slaves (or a foolish people, as they are referred to by Moses) are vexing the slave master. Today, as these prophecies are now being fulfilled, we are not surprised at the truth God gave to us through the mouths of His prophets coming to pass, as it was prophesied. The master must give up his slave and the slave must