
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Fall of America

  [Editor’s Note: The following article is based on excerpts from the Saviours’ Day address, “The Birth of a Nation,” delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan on  February 26, 2006 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. To order this message on CD/DVD/MP3 visit or call 1-866-602 1230, ext. 200.] In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. We are in love with our former slave-masters and their children. When people say, “I love everybody,” that is foolish because Allah (God) does not love everybody. He said He loved Jacob but He hated Esau. So if God is our example and He can love and hate, then do not be afraid to love and do not be afraid to hate. If you love God, then you hate the things that God hates and you love the things that God loves. Even though your people are mired in the things that God hates, He loves them enough to keep on calling them out of what He hates until He makes them an object of His extreme favor. Pharaoh has let us go, but there is

Minister Farrakhan Speaks at the Installation Ceremony For the Rev. Reginald W. Sharpe At Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church

  Congregants and supporters fill sanctuary of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church to observe the installation of a new pastor. The ceremony was also streamed online. (Editor’s note: With clergy from across the country on hand Sept. 18 for a spirit-filled installation ceremony for Rev. Reginald Wayne Sharpe, Jr., as senior pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, founded by the late legendary Rev. Dr. Clay Evans, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered words of guidance and inspiration to the incoming pastor and for all who wish to be servants of God and His Christ. His brief message was delivered via Zoom, carried on several online platforms, and his edited remarks are presented below.) In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. I bear witness that there is only One God, and I bear witness that One God is the Master, the Teacher and Sender of all prophets who came in his name. I bear witness, not only to the Oneness of God, but to the Oneness of Hi